
"Edoukou's calm presence and expert guidance made a huge difference in the entire birthing experience. From the moment my contractions started , she listened intently to my wishes and concerns and helped me feel both comfortable and empowered. During the actual delivery, she was a constant source of encouragement, providing reassurance and practical suggestions as needed. Her knowledge and experience in natural pain relief techniques like breathing exercises and massage were incredibly helpful. Her calming presence and empathetic listening skills were incredibly helpful during the emotional rollercoaster of the postpartum period. She offered a non-judgmental ear to listen and a shoulder to lean on, which was much needed during this vulnerable time. She provided practical assistance with tasks like cooking, cleaning, and laundry, freeing up time and energy for me to focus on bonding with my new baby." - Louise A.


"Edoukou provided me with supportive information before I went into labor which came in handy and made me feel more prepared. She always made herself available to answer all my questions, both before and after delivery! She also helped my husband with knowing what the next move should be during labor at home. She communicated with my birth center regarding my desires for birth, was very clear with them and I felt heard." - Tina F.


"Edoukou was my doula for my 3rd birth. She was paired with me at the last minute due to my own procrastination. Once paired she was prompt with communication and extremely kind and caring. When we met at the hospital she knew just what to do, she hopped in there to assist me with the peanut ball and with whatever requests, questions or concerns I had. I would recommend her to anyone 10 of 10, 5 stars. I highly recommend!!!! She also maintained the same positive attitude and energy until our session ended. If my husband and I decide to expand our family once more I will for sure contact Edoukou to be my doula. I honestly could've written a book as I truly had an awesome experience!!! I felt extremely blessed and cared for being in her presence!!!  Thank you!!!" - Chelsey T. 


"Where do I start?!?! I’ll start by saying Edoukou was heaven sent. I solicited help of over 5 doula’s and was able to secure Edoukou 3 days before my birth. She did exactly what I envisioned as support during my birth. She was patient, knowledgeable, overall the best support I could ever ask for. We constructed a birth plan, and followed it until we couldn’t. I would recommend her 1000000000%. As a new mom, she was eased my mind especially being that the mortality rate is higher for African American women. I will definitely be soliciting her help for my next birth!" - Quinesha R. 


"As a first time, single mom to twins Edoukou was an essential part of my first 12 weeks postpartum as my postpartum doula. There were many days where Edoukou was the only reason I got a stretch of sleep. She made my life easier by keeping my girls alive (honestly some days the only thing I could care about getting done). Beyond that she helped me reset for the day by having my dishes done, my laundry cleaned, my diapers restocked, and my kids clothes folded and reorganized when they grew out of their preemie, newborn, and then 0-3 months all within 12 weeks. When helping while I was awake, Edoukou helped me ensure my fridge was full and my meals were prepped. She was an essential part of my postpartum team, and one reason why my preemies were able to thrive and be “caught up” on the growth curve by three months. As a first time twin mom it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning and Edoukou’s presence was always a breath of fresh air - bringing me positivity, understanding, and a chance to reset my head and get back into the mental game of motherhood. She was my teammate in early postpartum and when my 12 weeks of leave was over I felt prepared to reenter the work force thanks to her support. She will forever be a part of our family’s first days and choosing and trusting her for postpartum was one of the best moves I made while pregnant." - Kelly F. 


"Edoukou was the doula I didn’t know I needed. This is my first pregnancy and I didn’t know what to expect, with her by my side I felt like I had a support person who genuinely cared and wanted ME, the MOTHER to be in a great space. She was always there when I contacted her, always made sure to check on me and made sure she found the answers for my questions. She helped me make a birth plan and made sure to break everything down so I can make the best choices. When it was time to give birth she stayed with me the entire time(30 hours). As I stated this is my first pregnancy and it was natural so I was scared because of the stories I’ve heard but with her and my significant other by my side giving me words of encouragement, giving me massages, continuously checking that I was staying calm from helping me with my breathing to distracting me when I had an contraction. When my labor was taking too long and I didn’t think I could make it she spoke soft words to remind me of my birth plan, she gave suggestions on things I can do to help with my labor. When plans had to change she would give her honest opinion and help me make the best decision. Honestly without her I don’t know if I would be able to make it through my birth. I love Edoukou and she has become family. I will be using her as my doula for any future pregnancy. I was truly blessed to have found her as a doula. I never had a moment of doubt that she was the doula for me." -Esther + Kamani 


"I am so grateful I heard about this class and was able to attend! After having attended all classes, I feel significantly more confident and at ease with giving birth, postpartum, and caring for my baby. I learned so much about what I can expect and what might happen which has really helped to relieve much of the anxiety I had about all the “unknown.” Edoukou and Akaila are so passionate about what they do and all things birth and postpartum and it truly showed. They made these classes relaxed and enjoyable. If you get the chance to attend these classes, I couldn’t recommend it enough!!!" - Student testimonial from Nurture + Thrive Holistic Doula Care & Sincerely Kyonne Birthing and Postpartum Services' Four Week Childbirth Education Class 


"Edoukou was such a huge help to our family after we welcomed our third child. As a stay at home mom with three children 4 and under, my biggest need postpartum was help juggling all of my day to day responsibilities in the home on top of caring for a newborn. I asked Edoukou to come help out in caring for my 4 and 2 year old as well as assist with household tasks that were hard for me to accomplish those first few weeks postpartum. It brought me great relief to know my older children had the attention they needed as well as the fact that our household would continue running smoothly while I poured my attention into my new baby. Of course she was always willing to help wherever needed including holding baby or folding laundry. Any mom of multiple will children will know what a huge help these services are with a new baby at home. Highly recommend!" - Monica


"Edoukou definitely made my birth way more manageable. I felt very relaxed and I trusted her. I don’t regret it at all. If you’re looking for a safe, comfortable birth with a woman who knows what she’s doing and who is very friendly and well-trained, then I suggest you hire Edoukou! When I have more kids, I am definitely reaching out to her and her only. She was that much of a help. I really appreciate you, Edoukou and all you did. I couldn’t have done half of it without you, especially the breathing exercises. You helped me and helped me stay calm. Much love to her truly !" - Danesha + Brandon


"This being our first child, I wanted to look into having a doula present at the birth from the start. The idea of someone being there to advocate for my needs, and to enable my husband to focus solely on my comfort during labor, was huge for us. Edoukou went above and beyond before the birth of our child to educate and empower us both - she provided us with exercises to enact during each stage of labor, what to be on the lookout for during early labor, and made it clear that should we need her postpartum, she would be there to provide whatever level of support we needed. During my early labor, it was so reassuring for my husband to check in with her. Once we were at the hospital and I was in the throes of contractions, Edoukou made me feel comfortable, helped me focus on my breathing, and helped me switch positions during the hours-long process. She was just hands on enough, and communicated with us every step of the way. I truly believe that, had she not been there, I would've needed additional medical interventions to move along the birth, and my healing & recovery would have been a longer process. Post-partum, Edoukou checked in with us to make sure all was well and to provide encouragement. Her kindness, resourcefulness, and support made her such an integral part of our village to bring our child into this world, and we will always be grateful to her!" - Sarah + Jameson


"Ms. Aka- Ezoua was very knowledgeable and extremely helpful to my wife as she endured a 24-hour period of delivering. She was very helpful in teaching my wife techniques to lessen her pain and extremely helpful and reassuring regarding a positive outcome. She was willing to stay with us regardless of the late hours or early hours. We could not be more pleased with her professionalism and dedication!" Mama + Colmon 


"Edoukou was amazing from beginning to end of our journey together. She was always responsive & knowledgeable. If it was something she wasn't an expert in she had other resources that could help. She was at the hospital in perfect timing before my delivery & assisted me during L&D as I needed it. She kept reassuring me that I was doing great & that I could do it. Even after birth she checked in regularly to see how I & baby were & I appreciated that, new moms need that. All moms need that. I would certainly use her in the future if I have more children & definitely recommend using her got your doula. She's awesome. Thank you again Edoukou" - Shakira + Darryl


"Edoukou is such a gentle, sweet and kind individual. Every moment from the first time we met to the last she has been consistent with her words and personality. The knowledge and understanding she provided us with was undoubtably essential for the duration of the pregnancy and birth. She helped us establish an excellent birth plan which we turned over to the birth team. This allows us to convey what we needed without having to repeat ourselves to every doctor or nurse that came to check on us. She has various strong points in her area of work however what stands out the most is her reliability and welcoming nature. I never hesitated or felt ashamed to ask her anything. My family and I were very pleased to have her in our life during the birth of our son. With this being my first experience with a doula you have made this a very special experience for me. I had such terrible births before this and you’ve changed that for me with this last pregnancy. I am very grateful for that. " - Shavonne + Jamie 


"I was, and still am, extremely satisfied with Edoukou's level of care during my pregnancy and postpartum. She provided so much valuable insight and resources. One of the things I like most is her communication style and how personable yet professional she is. I can tell being a doula is not just a job or a task but something she really genuinely cares about. I can't say that about most people I needed for a service or medical care"


"Edoukou is a great teacher and knows everything about childbirth! Prior to the class I was nervous about childbirth and knew very little about what to expect such as the early stages of labor and active labor. She explained everything I needed to know even describing what I would feel during contractions. She was able to answer all my questions. During the second class, she taught my husband and I different exercises to perform to help with labor. She also taught him different techniques to keep me calm and be my support person during labor. I feel prepared for childbirth. We had a great experience and I will recommend her to anyone!" - Kayla + Patrick 


"Her energy and presence was amazing to have in the room. She was very supportive and even held me up at times when she seen I needed it. She made sure had a ball in her room and even a bowl all the accommodations that I would need she got. Even a rail when it was time to give birth. In the final stages of (natural) labor, when I was having hot flashes, she was fanning me off and also putting a blanket around me when I got cold. She was a strong anchor and reminded me of my strength when I needed as well as breathing to control my breathing. I had a comb with me to ease the pain and she made sure I had it by my side at all times as well as my partner. If someone would asked me if I felt like she went above and beyond to care for me? I would tell them, YES I DO (smiley face) I couldn’t have done it without her. Then I would refer her to them or anyone for that matter." - Calvenna